About the Artist


Hello and welcome to my website ,

I'm a plant obsessed animal lover, Kiwi born and living in Tasmania. 

2020 was life changing for so many people all over the world, for me i was lucky as it was a positive. During lockdown i picked up a paintbrush and taught myself watercolor. 

Over the last 3 years i have worked on establishing a technique and style of my own and strive to create colorful happy and affordable artwork and fabrics.  I also strive to create items that are useful, so they won't be added to landfill or never see the light of day.

I literally fell into designing fabrics, it was a transition from watercolor designs into surface patterns. Most of my fabric designs tell a story, like Wagtails & Daisies. My interaction with nature gives me the inspiration.

I'm thrilled to have partnered with several fabric printing business who are part of the Ethical Clothing Australia Group which also means that these patterns are Tasmanian designed AND printed right here in Australia! and everyone wins.

Another one of my partnerships is with the Old Kempton Distillery & Cafe. I take watercolor classes at the beautiful homestead, on Sundays at present depending on demand.

Further information below


Bevvie & Brush @ The Old Kempton Distillery & Cafe – Beautifully Natural - Amanda Jane Designs

Please reach out to me if you're looking for a custom design, looking at wholesale orders, or just want to chat about an idea.  I'm always open to collaborations.

Love & Hugs

Amanda Jane xo


Recent Collaborations

Little Lissa Loo                      Custom Donation - Homely Retreats